Space mechanics center

This is our main platform at the Faculty of Space Research of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This is where our team started, here we are looking for and training new employees...

And here we do a lot of interesting things, for example:

Look how small satellites fly

Look how bigger satellites fly

Simulate what is happening in near-Earth space

And also model flocks and swarms of satellites

More examples:

Movement in near-Earth space modeling (constellations GNSS + SWARM)

Moon mission (Luna-25 in near-Moon orbit)

Moon mission ("Chandrayaan-2" orbiter making photos of "Vikram-2" lender)

We invite you to join MIDE users community and try the demo version of our product. Create a virtual world, add spacecrafts, ground stations, check whether the object is in the sensors field of view, etc. Try, play, inform us about the identified problems and your improvements wishes.

Send questions, suggestions and bug reports directly here
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Phone: +7 (495) 939-19-31

119991, ГСП-1, Москва, Ленинские горы, МГУ, строение 52, 2-й учебный корпус, этаж 8, комната 854
Сайт баллистического центра ФКИ создан для освещения работ, выполяющихся при поддержке Российского научного фонда в рамках гранта 21-71-00076